Centre for Industrial Policy was established as a part of the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge at the Higher School of Economics in 2016.

The Сentre focuses on developing strategic documents and studying national and global industry markets. It implements projects for federal and regional executive bodies, development institutions and companies and consults them.

The center actively utilizes instruments provided by GIS and methods of regional and spatial analysis for implementing projects.

Areas of work:

  • development and subsequent support of industry and corporate program documents (strategies, long-term development programs, technology roadmaps);
  • development analysis of industries in Russia and in the world (agroindustrial complex, shipbuilding, oil and gas sector, etc.);
  • growing segments assessment of global and national markets including the impact of global and industrial trends, barriers, drivers, risks, etc.;
  • export potential assessment and identification of growing export markets for products of the industrial complex of the Russian Federation
  • analysis of industry support instruments at the national and regional level;
  • benchmarking and learning best practices (technological, organizational, etc.) in industries.

Our team

Polina Shparova

Head of the Industry Research Unit

Daniil Maximenko

Head of the Spatial Data Analysis Unit

Mikhail Maximenko

Junior Research Fellow of the Spatial Data Analysis Unit

Ilia Strelkov

Leading Expert of the Industry Research Unit

Ekaterina Sharova

Leading Expert of the Industry Research Unit

Tamara Tsyganash

Research Assistant of the Industry Research Unit

Dmitriy Zolotukhin

Research Assistant of the Spatial Data Analysis Unit

Diana Pavlova

Research Assistant of the Spatial Data Analysis Unit



HSE and Sechenov University Collaborate to Support the Pharmaceutical Industry in Advancing Innovations

HSE and Sechenov University Collaborate to Support the Pharmaceutical Industry in Advancing Innovations
Scientists from HSE and Sechenov University have developed a methodology for identifying priority areas and breakthrough technologies to drive the pharmaceutical industry's development. Their joint research, supported by Innopraktika, aims to pinpoint key scientific directions crucial for addressing diseases with significant medical and social impact in the future. An analysis of current and projected data revealed that lung cancer, breast cancer, and stomach cancer contribute the most to the medical, social, and economic burden on healthcare systems. 

Top 15 Digital Technologies in Manufacturing Industry

Top 15 Digital Technologies in Manufacturing Industry
Based on the analysis of big data, the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) of the Higher School of Economics has identified the most significant digital technologies already used or introduced in the global and Russian manufacturing industry.

Moscow’s Creative Economy in Figures

This report presented by the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE ISSEK) is dedicated to the statistical measurement of the creative economy of Moscow.

Contact us

National Research University Higher School of Economics
Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge

Centre for Industrial Policy

E-mail: pshparova@hse.ru
Phone: +7 (495) 772-95-90 * 12272
Address:  20 Myasnitskaya St., 101000, Moscow, Russia
For correspondence: ISSEK HSE, 20 Myasnitskaya St., 101000, Moscow, Russia